Disdude 29

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Disdude 28

Disdude 28

Clip is to fasten together and clip art.

Disdude 27 Prefrontal Cortex

Place your hand on the right side of the forehead above eye and below hairline.  Beneath the skull right at this spot is the prefrontal cortex of the human brain giving us ability to have control over gaze and visual arena.

The prefrontal cortex gives us visual search and gaze control and is responsible for  

  1. Executive Functions which are the higher functions within the human brain

  • problem solving
  • working memory
  • short term memory processes
  • inhibitory controls
  • flexibility
  • queues to any motor responses needing attention
  • certain aspects of IQ like spatial planning, goal planning or delayed response

2.Encoding memories
  • Right side is episodic memories or putting them in order 
  • left side does encoding of memories


  • verbal fluency
  • narrative expression
  • spontaneous speech

Disdude 26

Disdude 26

Your Memories Are Gone

1...2..3...4...5 Your Memories Are GoneDoctor snaps and mans head falls as he goes under.Doctor tests him by making him raise hand while he plays with nuts under suit pants for adults over 18 years.Sexy Doctor gets him to drop his pants and show his big cock.Doctor naked with patient stuffing his feet all over the hypnotized face of helpless naked patient jerking himself off for adults over 18 years.After fucking the patient the doctor wakes him up as if nothing happened.

Disdude 25

Disdude 25

SKinned is to cover with and also to remove the moisture sealed semi-permeable largest outermost organ of most creatures the skin.

Bound young hypnotized man with spinning spiral eyes for adults over 18 years.Time clock counting down from 5 over and over.

Disdude 24 Visual Perception

Brainwashed Boner


Curated by Oregonleatherboy 


Disdude 24

just a pair of hypnotized guy eyes

In Disdude 23 I brought up one last amazing function of the ocular nerve brought up originally in Disdude 21, recall?  A keen reader should have seen within all those facts of my informational ramblings that never came  up. 

 Here goes, upon initial view of our surrounding everything is upside down due to the water inside of our eyes called the aqueous humor. This liquid of inner eye nourishes the protective clear cornea out front who has no blood flow.  Evolution solved this for humans by crossing visual fields at a place on either side of nasal passage called optic chiasm . 


 At this crossover some of the axons of retina talked about in Disdude 22 interweave with each other.  This is called decussation allowing for cross channel communication.  Since the right side of our brain receives information from the left and vice-versa the impulses go straight into optical channel no crossover necessary. 



Disdude 23 Visual Perception

Disdude 23

Man with spiral hypnotized eyes

125 Million Photoreceptors Give Great Detail Held In Unconscious For PRN

On top of doing all the cool things mentioned in Disdude 21 and Disdude 23 such as focusing on details with over 125 million photoreceptors often details which prevent future trouble.  Amazingly the majority of these little bytes of data our eye records stay stored within the unconscious for further recollection if needed.  

Optic Nerve Serves Data Turning Into Nerve Impulses

Lady with rainbow hypnotized eyes flickering grabs face in a meltdown for adults over 18 years.Compressed into more storable units in the visual cortex this trip from retina to first section of brain LGN is called optical radiation.  The optic nerve turns shapes and impulses from light into nerve impulses for final transmission in coding the visual cortex can digest into our visual perceptual field. 

Before Brain Receives Impulses during Optical Radiation Jumbled Geometric Shapes Exist As Data

 That is the science up until the brain gets a hold of the information which will continue in Disdude 24.  If male blowjobs are not up your alley (dirty, dirty puns) skip below section moving on to next post otherwise these guys eyes show an example of what I just explained.

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 1/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 2/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 3/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 4/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 5/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 6/7
Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 7/7

Disdude 22 Visual Perception

Disdude 22

The human eye is a camera with the same features some even the same name for example lens. Cornea and pupil both guide in pinpointing focused details while iris guards amount of light permitted 

Naked man stands with lamppost over his head glowing for adults over 18 on Disdude PPPimp.

 Big difference being the retina with over 125 million photoreceptors separated by 23 red, blue and green receptors allows our brain extreme details.  None of these databytes mean anything just being codes in shapes check out disdude 21 for that info. Important from this is these geometric shapes correlate on the retina with exact region of visual cortex to be interpreted.  

Eye with hypnotic spirals inside

Ganglion photoreceptor cells gather in middle of retina called fovea where the axons or tail-ends form into optic nerve.  The brain has interpreted nothing at this point until optic nerve transmitting the light impulses turns them into nerve impulses for processing in visual cortex of occipital lobe.  In Disdude 23 is explanation of another unique occurrence in optic nerve before reaching brain.

Disdude 21 Visual Perception

Disdude 21 Visual Perception

Looking out of the retina images or bytes of information in the visual field are observed by (give or take) 125 million photoreceptors.  More on those guys another time the optic nerve being focus (Puntastic) this round it transmits all that visual data to brain.  The optic nerve is a bundle of fibers which attaches to brain at LGN or Lateral Geniculate Nucleus.  

LGN drops that little package of coding which resembles shapes like tunnels and funnels, spirals, lattices, and cobwebs of to visual processing cortex.  These basic geometric shapes are put together with specific algorithms to form the actual world we see.  Good to note without strong details other regions are accessing past memories/feelings, also present concerns while addressing future consequences to actions we may take.

Those basic geometric shapes of data in which are brain take in via optic nerve are the same seen during certain types of hallucinations.  A scientist named  Heinrich Klüver made the connection the shapes are a map or schematic of elementary visual processing areas of brain.  Reason the majority of human eyes react strongly to those shapes like the one below which look like movement, but are completely still.