Disdude 23 Visual Perception

Disdude 23

Man with spiral hypnotized eyes

125 Million Photoreceptors Give Great Detail Held In Unconscious For PRN

On top of doing all the cool things mentioned in Disdude 21 and Disdude 23 such as focusing on details with over 125 million photoreceptors often details which prevent future trouble.  Amazingly the majority of these little bytes of data our eye records stay stored within the unconscious for further recollection if needed.  

Optic Nerve Serves Data Turning Into Nerve Impulses

Lady with rainbow hypnotized eyes flickering grabs face in a meltdown for adults over 18 years.Compressed into more storable units in the visual cortex this trip from retina to first section of brain LGN is called optical radiation.  The optic nerve turns shapes and impulses from light into nerve impulses for final transmission in coding the visual cortex can digest into our visual perceptual field. 

Before Brain Receives Impulses during Optical Radiation Jumbled Geometric Shapes Exist As Data

 That is the science up until the brain gets a hold of the information which will continue in Disdude 24.  If male blowjobs are not up your alley (dirty, dirty puns) skip below section moving on to next post otherwise these guys eyes show an example of what I just explained.

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 1/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 2/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 3/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 4/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 5/7

Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 6/7
Handsome man with gazing brainwashed us stuck in a trance gives blowjob to Master in helpless horny obedience 7/7